Go from feeling blamed, shamed, and powerless to helping your child read with ease, confidence, and pleasure
Introducing the...
✨Q&A Literacy Club✨
A monthly support membership that empowers YOU!
Get your answers with evidence based video responses within 24 hours
👉Saves you money
Get your kids on track with reading for a fraction of the cost of a private tutor but with all the support you need when you need it. Less than $1 a day! Learn how to make a cheap spelling workbook work
👉Saves you time
Get your questions answered with evidence direct, evidence based answers within 24 hours when you have them...no more having to go down the Google rabbit hole at 3 am
👉Saves you energy
No more trying new reading games you heard about from Emily at co-op, PRAYING it will work for your child. Learn how to gamify learning time and make power struggles a thng of the past
If this sounds like you, you're in the right place.
I've got you covered.
That's why I created the Q&A Literacy Club for you.
You've got this! ❤️

Step 1
Join us
Join our membership and mission of building a world where ALL kids can read by clicking JOIN TODAY and signing up

Step 2
Ask your question
Ask your literacy questions as they come up via DM or e-mail (whatever's easiest for YOU)...no max amount of questions, so ask away!

Step 3
Get real answers
Get a direct, evidence based answer within 24 hours with links to resources if applicable.
What's included?
✅ Evidence based answers
I only share what works for ALL kids.
That means evidence based answers that you KNOW will work for your kids
✅ Literacy expert to guide you
YOU are the hero of your child's story. I invite you to let me be your guide & backseat driver on the reading journey
✅ Parent knowledge = power
Learn about the science behind reading so you can make ANYTHING work
✅ Support when you need it
E-mail or DM me your question (whatever works best for YOU) when it comes up and get an evidence based response within 24 hours
✅ Links to valuable resources
I'll send you links to fun resources to practice skills when applicable
✅ Build a world where ALL kids can read

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